Thursday, January 21, 2010

Winter is very heavy. Snow provides a false impression, though it too, when accumulated is heavy. The trees are covered in ice. Sitting there, drooping, like me. I sit and droop and grow heavier even though I weigh the same. I like this notion of springtime, where it all melts off.


Stef said...

This makes so much sense to me. Not that what you say normally doesn't. But like, I definitely feel like I'm getting droopier (more droopy?). And it has so much to do with the ice & snow surrounding me...among other things.

Tasha said...

I know, I was convinced I had gained a lot of weight, but when I got on the scale, I weighed .7 pounds less from the last time I weighed myself.

Also, I am broke and bored, so I think that makes one droopy as well.