Friday, January 22, 2010

As I walked into the computer lab, I purposely avoided going to one half because there was a person I do not particularly care to see one that side. It occurred to me, that if people never died, there would be many more people that we would avoid. Thus dying is wholly and completely necessary.

All the ice that has accumulated over the last few days is melting and falling in giant pieces everywhere. It feels like the trees are pelting hail at me. For some reason this is much more vindictive than the sky. I think it's because trees are individuals and the sky is a collective.

I am technically at work, but I'm pretty sure someone is printing off a symphony. They told me it would be at least fifteen minutes. I wish I could compose music. To some degree, I think music videos are a prime way of viewing things, because they have the visual component, musical, and often lyrical. I don't mean music videos as they exist now, but music videos if they were better. Video poems would be a lovely idea if media people and literary people thought the same and maybe they do sometimes. It needs to be a good pairing.

Also, it's Roe V Wade day! Let's celebrate by making lots of choices today!

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