Friday, December 12, 2008

They're a little too loud for me

Story one
My room at my mom's house averages between 51 and 59 degrees fahrenheit. The rest of the house averages between 61 and 65 degrees fahrenheit. My perfect temperature is around 80 to 85 degrees fahrenheit. So, you can probably gather I am cold every minute that I am home except when I am under my down comforter in my freezing room. I walked into my mother's room to get a pen (all of them seem to have gravitated to her desk) and it was like a fucking sauna. This is after she tells me not to use the space heater every night in my room because it's expensive. Oh, but she did turn up the heat in the bathroom for me. Great, so now I can be warm while I pee.

Story two
I went to the dentist today for a teeth cleaning. Who did I see there? Larry (my mom's boyfriend). Coincidentally, my mother was also at the dentist. I've noticed they like to schedule as much of the Coryell/Lamberto family at one time as possible, probably so they have to deal with us less. We all have bad teeth and hate the dentist. Larry asked if I could pick her up and I reluctantly agreed, knowing my mother was having a root canel, probably fell asleep on the chair, and thus would be half asleep and in pain. So after I have a horrible teeth cleaning, in which my gums bleed an excessive amount and somehow half this blood winds up all over my face, I wait around Border's for awhile reading knitting and baking magazines (I know, I'm about eighty years old), and then I go back to the dentist's office. Who did I see there? Larry. He said, "Oh, Dollene forgot her keys so I thought I would pick her up just to be sure." That man has no logic. I have keys. I have had keys since I was five years old when we first moved in. He just wanted to be sure that I would let her inside the house and not just run off to one of my friend's houses. Yes, because I am a complete bitch of a daughter and would leave my half asleep in-pain mother outside in the freezing cold.

Okay, I'm done ranting. Now I am going to make lunch and figure out how much German I have to study each day.


Anonymous said...

At what temperature do magazines bake?

Tasha said...

Ha. Funny. I almost bought the baking magazine too. It had some great cookie recipes.