Monday, December 1, 2008

Another Fucking Blog Post

I think they should make a computer that I can take in the shower with me. I would never leave. The water bill would be huge. No one else would ever have hot water. I also would get nothing done, but I would be happy. That's what matters.

Time: 11:46pm Pages completed: 2 Pages still to be completed: 1 Level of depression: 5
Scale that I am measuring my depression on: I am too depressed and apathetic to make a scale.

Things done while instead of writing paper:
1. Changed my facebook status.
2. Used incorrect form of "to" (too, two) and had to change it again.
3. Found the leftover turkey in the fridge.
4. Offered some to Bobby.
5. Thought it was really funny how baffled Bobby was about where I got the turkey from.
6. Ate some turkey.
7. Put the turkey away.
8. Looked at pictures of Venice underwater.
9. Called Mariel to tell her Venice was underwater.
10. Did a crossword puzzle.
11. Discovered Bobby and Josh are useless as classics students as they don't know the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet (the 7th letter of the English alphabet is G)
12. Went home.
13. Ate dinner.
14. Checked facebook a lot.
15. Took a shower.
16. Started to revise a poem.

(worked on my paper a bit.)

17. Complained to Dan.
18. Julie IMed me saying "I don't want to do anything."
19. I will now proceed to talk to Julie.

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