Saturday, October 24, 2009

You're A Pretty Human Being

I've written before about how I always make the assumption that everyone is sad or everyone is happy and usually it reflects my feelings in some manner. Lately I've felt that everyone is sad and it's nice to see people happy. Except I don't know that anyone is really happy, I just make more assumptions about these so called happy people.

Laura told me a nice story tonight about how Dan listened to a song in the morning and then she came back to our apartment and I was listening to the same song and then later the same song was playing in the caf, and I just liked it because everyone was listening to the same song on the same day which means that it must be right for something.

I think I believe in fate, but I don't know what that means, just that I like it when the right things happen at the right time and I feel like eventually things will be better. I trust in the fact that eventually things will be better.

I went to the counselor today and we talked about how I struggle with trusting people, but I have trust in the notion of feeling better again and maybe that's enough for right now. Then I told her I feel it's silly not to trust people and really, I sort of have a great deal of trust in that I like to tell everyone everything. I'm not sure what I don't trust. I don't like the notion of being delicate.

I hate it when people act horrible in a manner that you expect them to. I want people I don't find smart to be defiantly intelligent and people that I am distrustful of to be trustworthy.

You know how on campus there are people who are known pretentious assholes and this is general knowledge. Do the people themselves know it?

I would like to talk to more people more often.

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