Friday, October 16, 2009

Lately I've been having the kind of dreams that are almost real and they are filled with people from Knox, so I get confused as to what is real and what's in the dream. I woke up in the wrong stage of the sleep cycle today and now everything feels heavy and tired. For a minute I tried to convince myself I was sick, but that doesn't work as well as it did in high school when I convinced myself and my parents that I was sick most days.


Anonymous said...

Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize... that the whole day at work had been a dream. It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free.

Tasha said...

I've liked most of my jobs and rarely dream about them, but this happens with people I don't want to think about.

Like boys I like. I always dream about boys I like. And boys I like always do awful things in my dreams.

If a person acts well in my dreams, it means that we are in good standing.