Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I feel much better this morning. The island is weird at night. It's really dark. Being from the city I have no real concept of what dark is. I'm used to streetlights, I walk my dog at 11 at night and feel perfectly safe in my ability to get around. The island is pitchblack. I need a flashlight to walk the ten or so feet from one cabin to another. Sometimes I make the mistake of shining the flashlight into the woods and I can see the first rim of trees and after that darkness. Last night I went to the other cabin to use the bathroom and after I returned to this cabin I swore I could hear someone walking around in the darkness.

I cry a lot at night at my cabin. Last year I stayed up all night crying the night before we spread my grandfather's ashes. It would help if my dad didn't go to bed at nine thirty, leaving my brother and I restless.

This morning I am going kayaking to Government Island while my dad swims. I am basically a half-iron man trainer. Yesterday I carried the water in the basket of my bike while they swam, which ended poorly as I kept stopping to look at touristy sights and they had nowhere to refill it and my brother drank lake water.

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