Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sandy tagged me to write about ten things that make me happy. I have since spent all morning thinking about it.

1. Being around people.

If you know me, you probably know that I really like to be around people almost all the time. I also really like people a lot. Sometimes I think I like people more than other people tend to like people.

2. Knitting.

Knitting relaxes me like no other. I think everyone should knit all the time. Also, a finish product (usually) comes out at the end. Right now I am knitting a cabled beret, it's taking me forever, but the end result should be excellent.

3. Poetry.

Reading a really good poem is like kissing a really cute boy.

4. Getting a text message.

This one sounds dumb, but I really enjoy the surprise of a text message. It means that someone spent however many seconds typing out a message and then sending it to me. I like the text messages that are asking me to do something with them and I like the text messages that just say something that the sender thought I would like.

5. Finishing a sheet of labels at work.

One of my jobs at the public relations office is to label folders and file them on the right shelf. I love finishing a sheet of labels to a ridiculous degree.

6. Getting mail.

I think this is true of everyone. My dad sent my a package today containing cold medicine and two kinds of cough drops. It was so nice.

7. Music.

I hate talking about music, but I really like it. I listen to music almost all the time. Don't tell anyone.

8. Minnesota.

I really like the state of Minnesota. I like the city, I like the forest, the country, the lakes, the people, the art, the music, the river. It makes me happy.

9. Cooking/Baking/Food

I love to cook and bake and eat. Some of the happiest moments of my life have been while eating.

10. Getting comments on my blog.

It makes me happy when people comment. Sometimes I feel like I am typing to thin air.

Now I have to tag 10 people:
3 Standard Stoppages
Brain Spew
Creative Chaos
Glorious Glo
Knit, Read, Repeat
My Awesomely Boring Life
Soft, Supple Things
Thought Bubbles
Ke kope gore o bue ka bonya

1 comment:

Stef said...

I wish I could knit. I'm pretty terrible at it. I can barely make a scarf.