Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I keep trying to write things, but everything comes out too political or too juvenile or just too something. The problem is that I'm trying to write a political post without actually being political. Lately I've been working on respecting the politics of other people by not constantly stating my far left opinions, mostly because I don't know what it will achieve. This is complicated by the fact that I don't really know anyone who is extremely conservative. I kind of don't believe they exist. I've been so firmly fixed in the liberal that I have a hard time understanding the point of view of others. To be conservative is so clearly wrong to me. I tried to write a post saying how the concept of "family values" is stupid, because liberals obviously also have a concept of family values, they are just different values. Then I wanted to write about the tea party convention and how it's really ruining tea for all of us, but that was far too punny. Oh well.

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