Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I like to think about life as stages. Those stages repeat. Usually when things get really really bad, things get really really good to make up for the really really bad. And then when they get bad again, there is a grieving process. I can clearly identify where I am in these processes and I know how it turned out last time I was in this place, except I don't want it to turn out that way. I have been actively working to make sure it doesn't. What happens if it does? Then it does. And life will go on.

But that's true about everything. You know, except death, but that's rather irrelevant to this post.

Other things I thought about today:
Workshopping. Shopping for works. I then pictured going down a grocery store aisle.

How is it that people from so many different places can end up so similar in terms of mannerisms and speech patterns? Especially in terms of social groups. How is it that hipsters are hipsters and nerds are nerds and they are so much alike across a great region?

When I think in my head, I think to people that I want to say things to. It's difficult when I shift locations because all the people I want to say things to are in a different place from me and once the thought has passed, it won't come out properly.

When I'm sad I tend to think in cliches, resulting in bed writing. I'm scared I am going to write in cliches for my workshop.

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