Saturday, November 7, 2009


Both my roommates are in the livingroom watching tv. I don't know why I haven't joined them. I just can't. I just want to lie down and listen to music. Then I just wanted to lie down outside, but I had no one to go lie outside with me. It's really warm in my room. I'm considering just going to sleep. I have an invitation to go play drinking games at midnight, but drinking games are something you do before you go out or early in the evening so you can get drunk, not at midnight when you have things to do the next day.

I want all these stupid things and I keep sitting here getting angry with myself for wanting stupid things.

I've been happier lately, just right now isn't great. I turned off twitter texts because I am sick of them. I just want texts from real people. It's starting to annoy me again in different ways, facebook and twitter. I came closer to people and now I am going away again.

Quick quick let's be close.

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