Saturday, October 31, 2009

1. Things keep feeling less and less real. Simon and Dee and I went to Steak and Shake and I told them how sometimes I feel like my bed isn't real and I am making it up completely and Dee agreed and I wondered how, if my bed, a material object, no longer feels real what can feel real. Simon suggested maybe people will become more real and that is what I want. I want real people.

2. Look, I'm sorry I wrote about you on my blog, I'm sorry I've a passive aggressive Minnesotan and I get drunk and I feel things and I express my feeling more. I want to express them all the time, I just don't. But asking other people how angry I am and talking to other people about what I said is equally as passive aggressive and I meant what I said.

3. I just want to write poetry, but I can't articulate anything.

1 comment:

Colin Welch said...


2. I think a possible issue here, if I may interject and give unsolicited advice (and when do I not), is that writing about or to specific people on your blog isn't passive aggressive -- it's just plain aggressive. It uses the public atmosphere to try and pressure the subject of the comments to respond; is it any wonder, then, that the subject would pursue a less "public" way of figuring out where things are at?