Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My mother finally got her hip replacement surgery. Apparently they woke her up and she started getting hostile, screaming to see her children. One of the nurses called me and I could hear her murmuring in the background. I drove to the hospital, low on gas, already crabby. When I walked into her room she started squealing and tried to get out of bed to hug me. Then she asked why I was crabby. I told her I was tired, I was crabby, I was low on gas, it was a Wednesday, and I hate hospitals*. She then decided to do a psychiatric analysis of why I hate hospitals. She decided that maybe it was from when she got her appendix removed when I was two. This is quite plausible as this is my first memory, however, my memory of this consists entirely of riding the elevator with my dad. Then she continued to list off every other time in my life that I had been to the hospital, completely ignoring and excluding what actually makes me hate the hospital. I was almost in tears by the end of this conversation. She then yelled at me for looking upset and asked where my brother was and proceeded to cry and hyperventilate because he wasn't there. Then she got in an argument with the nurse because the nurse didn't want a patient who had just gotten a hip replacement to walk by herself to the bathroom. Finally she got so mad at me she told me I should leave. I'm still not sure what I did.

*When I was fifteen before a speech party (yes, I was on the speech team in high school) I fell down on the ice outside of Julie's house , blacked out for a period of time, managed to get up and get Julie from her house and the whole car ride, my dad, my brother, and Julie were asking me questions and I kept repeating "I don't know," over and over again. I have no memory of saying this, I do remember trying to figure out what week it was and what had happened in the past few days. My dad asked if I wanted to go to the hospital and I was so scared of the hospital that I said no, evening though I obviously needed to. I got to the party and Pulp Fiction was on and I talked to my boyfriend on the phone, but couldn't figure out if we were actually dating. Sometimes I worry this affected my intelligence.

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