Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Only men have the luxury of secrets

Class today was fantastic.

I discovered I have a deep love for Chicana literature.

Also, I rediscovered a deep love for German.


(Maybe now I can stop worrying about things.)
(I have this circular train of thought where I think about how I shouldn't worry about certain things and then I wonder if other people worry about these things and then I worry more.)
(But I'm not going to worry. I'm going to concentrate entirely on Victorian literature, Chicana literature, and the silly German stories that intermediate German learners have to read.)

I still don't have a love for Victorian literature, but it makes sense in the capacity that parts of it make no sense, because in the Victorian era they realized life makes no sense and thus a crazy story actually makes more sense than one that is too logical. The problem is that they were repressed, so craziness in the Victorian era is like.... hold on I'm thinking of a good simile. I can't think of one, can anyone help me?


Jamie said...

are you reading cherie moraga? if so send my love (said only somewhat sarcastically...)

Tasha said...

Yeah! Cherrie Moraga is fantastic!

Tasha said...

And I'm not sarcastic. I love her.